10 Celebs With Rehab Stories

The rollercoaster ride that led these celebs to their famedom also led them into a downward spiral of drug abuse, deteriorating health and reputation - and in some tragic cases, death.

We bring you 10 rehab stories of famous celebrities living and departed.

1. Steven Tyler

Celebs With Rehab Stories-Steven Tyler
Image Credit: newstop24 (dot) com
Hard rock band Aerosmith’s frontman Steven Tyler has seen his career and popularity wane with his drug abuse and alcoholism way back in the early 80s. After a successful rehab programme in 1986, all of the other band members also followed suit. He was under control till he had a relapse with prescription painkillers in the late 2000s and had to go back to rehab in 2008.

2. Lindsay Lohan

Celebs With Rehab Stories-Lindsay Lohan
Image Credit: 4 (dot) bp (dot) blogspot (dot) com
The poster girl for incorrigible drug issues is Lindsay Lohan. She has been in and out of rehab and courts and jail for the past couple of years – all given her addiction to cocaine. And you can see the effects on her. The girl is just 26 – and she has started looking like she’s over 40. She is back to rehab for 3 months in Malibu, and seems to be happily serving her sentence and lying low. For how long, one wonders?

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